Differences Between Secret Neighbor and Among Us

Differences Between Secret Neighbor and Among Us

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Secret Neighbor and Among Us are two very popular social deduction games. Both games are based on the idea of a group of people trying to figure out who the impostor is, but they have some key differences. Here are the major differences between the two games:

  1. In Secret Neighbor, the impostor is known to everyone from the start of the game. In Among Us, the impostor is only revealed after someone has been voted off.
  2. Secret Neighbor has a much more horror-based theme and tone. Among Us is more light-hearted and comedic.
  3. Secret Neighbor features significantly more complex game mechanics than Among Us. Among Us is a simpler game that is easier to pick up and play.
  4. It is played with a first-person perspective. Among Us is played from a top-down perspective.
  5. It has more of an emphasis on stealth and deception. Among Us is more about trying to figure out who the impostor is through their actions.
  6. It is a singleplayer game with a multiplayer component. Among Us is a multiplayer game through and through.
  7. Secret Neighbor is still in Early Access on Steam. Among Us has been fully released.